My hobbies and interests!

The podcast logo for Gay or Trash: a distorted image of Sherlock Holmes with the title in pink graffiti overlaying it.

The podcast logo for Gay or Trash: a distorted image of Sherlock Holmes with the title in pink graffiti overlaying it.


I am the audio engineer for Gay or Trash: A Cultural History of TJLC, a podcast miniseries exploring a fandom-within-a-fandom and the people who made it special. We upload on a highly irregular schedule.

The original character, Spectre, I created as a mascot for my satirical Planet Coaster pavilion themed around communism, for Scav 2020.

The original character, Spectre, I created as a mascot for my satirical Planet Coaster pavilion themed around communism, for Scav 2020.

Scavenger Hunting

The University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt, once known as the largest scavenger hunt in the world, calls on its participants to create weird and wacky items over the course of four days a year. I have been participating since 2014, and have been a team captain twice.

View a gallery of past Scav items here. They’re a ton of fun!

Me holding Claude, a red and white Mini Rex rabbit, and giving him a little kiss on his head.

Me holding Claude, a red and white Mini Rex rabbit, and giving him a little kiss on his head.

Rabbit Parenting

I document my five year old Mini Rex rabbit, Claude, on Instagram. I DIY many of his toys, and the family Halloween costumes that I make always start with Claude in mind. Past costumes include Thor, Carol Danvers, and “Rabbit” (Thor’s nickname for Rocket Raccoon), and more recently, Giles, Oz, and Bunny the Vampire Slayer.