University of Chicago, Spring 2015-Spring 2017

Humans vs. Zombies

    • Quarterly, weeklong, campus-wide LARPing game

    • 100+ players

    • Team of six undergraduate designers/moderators

  • I was a member of the HvZ writing team for three full-length games and two one-day games.

    I was head writer for the Fall 2015 story, which focused on two rival archaeologists accidentally awakening a zombie apocalypse. This work included writing in-character emails, creating a Facebook page, designing experiential marketing, and acting as one of the two archaeologists.

    During my study abroad in Winter 2016, I was the assistant writer. This story was a Western take on the zombie genre, pitting undead bandits against righteous citizens of a frontier town mapped onto our campus. I created a promotional Twine game, administered a roleplaying Facebook group, and edited in-character emails.


    • Software: Twine, Google Suite, Email, Facebook admin tools, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere

    • Other skills: script writing, editing, ARG design, editing, community management

  • For the Fall 2016 game, I moved into an editorial and writing management role, recruiting, supervising and training two junior game writers. I edited their work for content and style, and mentored them as they led the creative direction of this story.


    • Writing, editing, project management, scheduling, estimating, recruiting, collaboration, communication

  • I was responsible for all graphic design and video editing for five campus events. I designed flyers, social media content, t-shirts, vinyl banners, and even a logo redesign. I edited videos for use in story missions as well as for promotional purposes.


    • Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, graphic design, pitch decks

Graphic Design

A poster created for the Fall 2015 HvZ weeklong game.
A T-shirt design and profile photo created in 2016 and used to this day.
The UChicago HvZ profile picture across social media during my tenure. The image was also modified into a single color for a favicon and a t-shirt.
A poster created for a one-day Spring Quarter game of HvZ.
A design used both for a physical vinyl poster, and for a cover photo on the HvZ website and Facebook page.

Haunter X Hunter


ETC Fall Festival Livestream 2021